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时间:2012-3-16 22:07:11








关键词:远动终端;变电站;RTU;遥测;遥信; 遥控









In order to ensure the quality of power supply and power system reliability and economy of operation, the dispatch center at all levels must keep abreast of the end points of the plant real-time data information. Remote terminal unit (RTU) is installed in the factory-side station, substation Acquisition Characterization of the host running the power system simulation and state capacity to monitor and control center to send the amount and status of these simulation volume, the Executive sent to the dispatch center where substation control and regulation of the order.

This article was completed in order to exchange computer-based sampling technique for the design of distributed RTU devices. First, a brief introduction of the electric power system automation of data collection and monitoring as well as the RTU of the significance of the development situation, discusses the prospects for its application and significance then distributed provides an overview of the design ideas, and in accordance with the actual situation at the scene of the RTU to reliability design, made anti-interference measures; then discussed the sampling algorithm;Finally, on the application of developed single-chip 80C196KB distributed RTU hardware structure, the key circuit analysis, and software design ideas and the flow chart of the major software modules were introduced.


Key wordsRemote Terminal;  Substation;  RTU;  Telemetering; 

Telesignalling;  Telecontrol.






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