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Single-chip microcomputer penetrated into all areas of our lives,it is very difficult to find the area of almost no traces of single-chip.Lamp is necessary for thousands of households living supplies.When in the dark,the people is very inconvenient to turn on the lights,and they often forger to turned off the lights when they left, it is resulting in a huge waste of energy.
In this paper, an intelligent design table lamp, Mainly pyroelectric infrared BISS0001 chip and single-chip processor consisting of infrared sensor control circuit. The principle is that infrared radiation in the human body for the sensor circuit,automatic sensors turn on the lights when the body of the scope of the lamp and the environment when a weak light.In another way,turn off the lights by automatic sensor when people leave the lamp sensor detection range. In addition, when the body is too close to the desktop. The buzzer alarm to warning to correct posture by the lamp automatic sensor. In the same time, lighting control circuit to control lights dimmed. if within a certain period of time not to leave the desktop the lights automatically extinguished, The lights brighten and remove the alarm when the correct good posture . It is features is automatic light switch, energy conservation; can correct posture and prevent myopia.
This paper first introduces the intelligent combination of SCM appliances to promote the general promotion of the small household electrical appliances intelligent lamp. And then used to introduce single-chip design features as well as the sensor of choice. The final table of the hardware design and software design.
Key words:AT89S51 Microcomputer;BISS0001;Intelligent Table lamp;Energy Saving