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时间:2012-2-15 23:03:07




铁磁性材料工件被磁化后,由于不连续性的存在,使工件表面和近表面的磁力线发生局部畸变 而产生漏磁场,吸附施加在工件表面的磁场,在合适的光照下形成目视可见的磁痕,从而显示出不连续性的位置、大小、形状和严重程度。这就是磁粉检测的基本原理。






关键词: 磁粉检测  可控硅调压  触发电路  电力电子  移相控制  Matlab仿真





   Magnetic Particle Testing as a commonly means which used magnetic materials to the iron surface and near-surface non-destructive testing, has a wide range of applications in recent years.

Magnetic materials are magnetized iron work pieces, due to the existence of discontinuities, so that surface and near-surface occurrence of the magnetic lines of local magnetic field distortion resulting from leakage, adsorption to exert the magnetic field in the work piece surface in appropriate visual form can be seen under the light of the magnetic marks, which do not show the continuity of the location, size, shape and extent of the problem. This is the basic principle of magnetic particle testing.

From the basic principles of magnetic particle testing can be seen testing the process of filling of the work piece to the magnetization demagnetization detection of power quality on the whole is very important to the magnetization of the work piece is divided into weeks to the magnetization and longitudinal magnetization, magnetization usually takes weeks to the exchange of magnetization current , and the need for longitudinal magnetization DC current through the electromagnetic induction coil to the work piece Magnetizing. However, whether the exchange of magnetization to the magnetization current or the DC magnetization longitudinal magnetization current, magnetization current can not be directly provided by the Industrial Power.

The design of the main regulator of the week to the magnetic circuit design, to the magnetization of the magnetization-week supply is generally of low-voltage high-current AC power, the need for industrial AC magnetization modulation to meet the needs of the modulation of the voltage and current can not be separated from power electronic technology, which is the theoretical basis for design.

This article is based on thyristor-controlled phase-shifting technology for the exchange regulator's magnetic particle testing rechargeable power control demagnetization discussed in detail and design a voltage control circuit. Trigger circuit by adjusting the phase of the trigger pulse to control the on-off thyristor, which can be manually controlled to adjust the output voltage, and then, after step-down transformer can be used to obtain the magnetization of the magnetic low-voltage high-current power supply, mainly by the SCR the main voltage regulator circuit, trigger circuit, such as composition, is a broad application prospect of the exchange regulator controller.

In this paper, a brief review of power electronics and AC voltage regulation of the development process, focusing on an analysis of phase-shifting exchange regulator theory, and design the main circuit voltage regulator and trigger circuit. Circuit and system design parameters set simulation and experiment, to draw a series of waveform, and analyzed. The results prove that the program is feasible and effective. Circuit and system design parameters set simulation and experiment, to draw a series of waveform, and analyzed. The results prove that the program is feasible and effective.

[Key words]   Magnetic Particle Testing    Thyristor regulator    Trigger circuit     Power Electronics  Phase-shift control  Matlab simulation





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