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时间:2013-5-20 10:48:50



   外文翻译 The design of the channel encoder(GSM信道编码器的设计) 中文版共999个字符数(不计空格)。
   本文首先从整体上介绍了GSM,移动通信系统及其实现过程,通过大量的Mat lab仿真详细论述了GSM蜂窝通信系统中的语音编码、信道编码、交织、加密、调制等技术。
   其次,文中介绍了GSM信道编码规则,其中重点阐述了CRC、卷积码和交织码的基本原理和算法实现,并完成了三者编码译码的软件设计,采用Mat lab技术实现并验证了设计的正确性。
   关键词:GMS,卷积码 ,交织,信道编码,纠错检错,奇偶校验,汉明码,CRC
   The design of the GSM channel encoder
   Abstract: This paper is based on GMS base station system as research object the idea of software radio in mobile communication application feasibility, through the construction of an open, standardization, modular general-purpose hardware platform, software to complete the various functions.This paper overall introduces GSM, mobile communication system and its realization process, through a large number of Mat lab simulation GMS are described in detail in a cellular communication system, channel coding, interleaving voice coding, encryption, modulation technology.
   Secondly, this paper introduces the GMS channel coding rules, which focuses on the CRC, convolution code and interleaving codes of the basic principles and algorithms, and completed the three encoding and decoding software design, using FPGA technology and verify the correctness of the design.
   Finally, the GMSK modulation and demodulation principle and the characteristic carries on the elaboration, and proposed the software feasibility scheme, as the next step in the software design and lay a solid foundation.Hardware experiment platform is a software based, therefore, this paper carried out a detailed analysis and design, and gives the
   The part of the circuit design, and related research has certain guiding significance and reference value.
   Key words: GMS,CRC,GMSK,Error correction error detection; Parity check; Hamming
   code; CRC
   目 录
   摘要: I
   Abstract: II
   第一章 论绪 1
   1.1引言 1
   1.2 GSM 研究现状 1
   1.3 本文研究的意义 3
   第二章 GSM数字移动通信系统 4
   2.1BTS发射链路模块 4
   2.2GSM话音编码器 4
   第三章 纠错检错的基本原理 6
   3.1 差错控制的基本概念 6
   3.2 纠错编码方式简介 9
   3.3 汉明码 11
   第四章 在MATLAB软件或VC中的仿真实现 13
   4.1 汉明编码 13
   4.2奇偶校验码 15
   4.3循环码CRC 16
   4.4 RS 17
   总 结 20
   参考文献(References) 21
   致 谢 22




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