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本科毕业设计 血液图片红、白细胞计数

时间:2013-5-20 10:48:16



   本科毕业设计 血液图片红、白细胞计数
   本科毕业设计 血液图片红、白细胞计数
   外文翻译 Modified Watershed Algorithm for Segmentation of 2D Images(分水岭算法改进的分割)。
   摘 要
   Red and white blood cell count pictures
   Many clinical disorder performance for white blood cells populations, swelling or white blood cells in the nucleus shape and the number change, so the number of white blood cells and the shape of the research has important significance. But because the dyeing conditions, smear preparation, image source, sampling of light conditions between the cell differences and overlapping, adhesion situations, which makes the white blood cells count and recognition is further analysis are difficult. For this, will become a single cell adhesion cell division, become medical image processing must solve the problem. This paper, based on the MATLAB7.6 image processing and segmentation, accurate picture processing, the watershed algorithm and threshold segmentation to realize, in the existing research on the basis, the key based on digital image processing technology to solve the cell count this microscopic image of a train of thought, combined with the main characteristics of blood red blood cells, to set the goal and requirements, design and realize a fast and effective blood red blood cell number microscopic image to statistic system, and through the experiment the effectiveness of the prototype system, and the simulation results show that this method had high precision, and has a strong robustness.
   Key words:Blood picture; Image segmentation; Divide; Image processing
   目 录
   摘要 I
   Abstract II
   第一章 引言 1
   1.1 选题的依据及意义 1
   1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势(含文献综述) 1
   1.3 本论文研究内容 2
   第二章 血液图片白细胞分割 3
   2.1白细胞识别的流程 3
   2.2 RGB转换到HSV 3
   2.3 HSV图像处理 4
   2.3 将处理后的HSV 图像转换为RGB 7
   第三章 血液图片红细胞分割 9
   3.1 红细胞分割的流程 9
   3.2血液图片使用bwlabel算法进行处理 9
   3.3血液图片使用分水岭分割方法分割红细胞 13
   3.3.1分水岭分割的原理 13
   3.3.2具体实现分水岭算法 14
   第四章 结束语 16
   参考文献(References) 17
   致谢 18
   附录 19




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