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This design is just for the Automatic Fire Alarming System of The Building of Xiamen Institute of National Accounting. This paper was written in reference to the design and calculation of fire-fighting in the Building of Xiamen Institute of National Accounting given economic budget of the project as the same time, which is according to the related codes.
Along with the quick economic development of our country and continuous increasing of the people’s life level, the city is increasingly nervous with the ground, urging the buildings just develop in the direction of high and density. The architectural characteristics of high buildings decides the risk of fire and the importance of the automatic fire alarming system. A set of integrity automatic fire alarming system is the beneficial guarantee of the people’s life and property when a high building fire occurs and it’s the key of if people can discover the fire quickly and accurately to put it out at the embryotic place of the appearance of fire.
Keywords:Automatic fire alarming system; detection devices of automatic fire alarming system; high buildings; risk