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Test systems technology are a new discipline that generated from the combination of
This article first discusses the existing electronic test system development trends and the status quo. in view of low testing demands, the single function, higher price and inconvenient characteristics of many test instruments employed, the multi-functional modularized test system, which took single chip microcomputer STC89C52 as main control chip, easy to adopted some functions the ordinary users needed and possessed lower costs, was researched and designed.
The main research contents are as follows: the design scheme was proposed, the overall hardware blue print was composed, and the devices the system needed were selected according to design principle of single chip microcomputer test system; the hardware design scheme of some measurement modules widely used, were devised on the basis of requirements for test system, such as signal generating, real-time temperature monitoring, liquid level measurement and rotating speed measurement modules; on the basis of hardware design, the system software design was performed, and the compiling, debugging and simulation were conducted combining with Type TX-1C development computer and IDE (Integrated development Environment) uVision2 of software Keil51.
The system has a certain degree of measurement accuracy, It has four testing functions. Signal module can generate a wide frequency sine wave, triangle wave, square wave; temperature module using DS18B20 temperature sensor that can be -55 degrees Celsius to +125 degrees Celsius within the scope of a more precise temperature measurement; The Level Measurement Module is designed for a precise measurement of liquid level environment, it’s accuracy up to 0.1mm; Speed measurement modules can accurately measure the range of high-speed shaft. combination of TX-1C
In this system , software design based on hardware design and it’s software has been compiling, debugging. The hardware and software of entire system are designed in the final. Temperature measurements module has completed the physical design.and the software and hardware of
Key Words:STC89C52;Single-chip microcomputer;Signal generating;temperature measurement;liquid level detection; rotational speed measurement;test system
1 绪论
1.1 智能测试系统概述
1.1.2 智能测试系统的发展趋势
1.1.3 测控系统装置的发展方向
1.2 课题来源和研究意义
1.3 论文研究内容和主要工作
2 系统总体设计
2.1 设计思想
2.2 系统总体框架
2.3 主控芯片介绍
3 系统硬件设计
3.1.1 主芯片的硬件设计
3.1.2 键盘电路设计
3.1.3 数码管显示设计
3.1.4 主模块与子模块的接口电路
3.2.1 信号发生器综述
3.2.2 集成函数发生芯片ICL8038介绍
3.2.3 信号发生器硬件设计
3.3 实时温度测量模块硬件设计
3.3.1 温度测量设计综述
3.3.3 智能集成温度传感器DS18B20介绍
3.3.4 测温硬件电路设计
3.4 转速测量模块
3.4.1 转速测量综述
3.4.2 转速测量系统的构成
3.4.3 转速测量原理
3.4.4 转速测量指标
3.4.5 转速模块硬件电路设计
3.5 液位检测模块
3.5.1 液位检测综述
3.5.2 探测式水位传感器
3.5.3 测量方式的选择
3.5.4 硬件设计
4 系统软件设计及调试分析
4.1 系统开发平台
4.1.1 Keil C51软件集成开发环境
4.1.2 TX-1C型STC89C52单片机开发板
4.2 监控程序设计
4.3 功能模块软件设计及调试分析
4.3.1 信号发生模块软件设计与调试分析
4.3.2 测温模块软件设计与调试分析
4.3.3 转速测量模块软件设计与调试分析
4.3.4 液位测量模块软件设计与调试分析
5 结论与展望
5.1 论文结论
5.2 展望
致 谢
参 考 文 献
1 绪论
1.1 智能测试系统概述
1.1.2 智能测试系统的发展趋势