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基于西门子PLC S7-200的三层电梯模拟控制系统设计

时间:2012-2-11 16:47:47







  关键词 电梯 变频器 PLC控制 变频调速











In the modern social and economic activities, computer technology, automatic control technology and power electronic technology has been rapid development, the lift has become a symbol of urban material. Especially in the high-rise building, the elevator is not a lack of vertical transportation equipment. With the rapid development of high-rise buildings of today, the lift industry also has entered a new period of development, elevator control technology has been developed to the FM speed regulator, the logic control by the PLC to replace the original relay control, many of its functions traditional relay control system can not be achieved.

The design for the status quo of China's elevator industry will be a programmable logic controller (PLC) used for four-storey elevator control logic, through the rational selection and design, not only to improve the reliability of the elevator, maintainability, and flexibility, while extending the of life and shorten the development cycle of the elevator and the elevator control to raise the level of the elevator operation to improve the comfort, so that the lift to reach a more satisfactory control effect. In this paper, the design of the elevator by the elevator when compared with the traditional, in the run with good comfort, in life can save energy, and achieved good economic and social benefits to achieve the desired purpose. The elevator control system has a mean layer, the Office of calls to the layer selected, manual and automatic functions with a set of features to control the election.

In introducing the basic structure of the lift on the basis of the depth analysis of the working principle of the elevator, on the merits and characteristics of PLC, the focus of an analysis of the lift hardware design and software design, research and PLC based control system designed to lift the achievement of the program, Finally, the study of this thesis are summarized and prospects.

Keywords  elevator  PLC control  VVVF inverter




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