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时间:2012-4-15 11:36:49





    本系统主要介绍了污水处理工艺流程,PLC在城市污水处理中的具体应用以及计算机监控系统数据采集的方法。系统运用SIEMENS S7-400 PLC作为控制核心,各级监控系统通过工业以太网相互连接,通过此设计提高了污水处理厂的运行管理水平。本系统结合某污水处理厂自动化控制系统的实际运行情况,设计并改造了污水处理厂的设备组成、自动化控制方式和各工作站的功能、网络构成等。通过生产实践证明,该系统不仅具有较强的并行协调处理能力,而且具有高可靠性、灵活性和可扩展性,以及高速处理能力等优点。分证明自动化控制系统对提高生产效率、无人值守或少人值守、提高安全性具有良好效果。

关键词: 污水处理;自动化控制系统;PLC硬件配置;软件设计


With the rapid development of modern manufacturing technique, the spot is stricter requirements with rapidity, continuity and systematicness of system. The single transducer execute individually has lagged behind now. It is trend that many sets run together as a system. All local operation systems have already developed to automation mode before the control cabinet, in which the computer is a main role. The characteristics are all set up on the basis of the matter that the date of the computer, PLC and Transport unit is exchanged each ether. It will be realized that supervise operation status of the equipments and send the control orders.

The paper introduces PLC application in the project of treatment urban wastewater, in which S7—400 series is applied and introduces the method of urban wastewater treatment. The paper also introduces the method of receiving date in the supervisory system plant the programmable controller has already become most important, most reliable and using the most extensive industrial control microcomputer of occasion now. In order to improve the operation management level of the sewage treatment plant, the supervisory system uses the S7-400PLC to constitute core of the system and is composed of each unit of the control system according to certain topological structure. According to the running situation of the benevolence and automatic control system of sewage treatment plant, recommend structures of the sewage treatment equipment, automatic control method and the function and application of every PLC work station in sewage disposal and summarize the good result of the automatic control system how promoting production efficiency and security and reducing the on-the-spot attendant.


Key WordsSewage treatment; Automation control system; PLC; Hardware disposition; Software design





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